
This article contains instructions on how to use Smart Site Plan tools and their non-writeable capabilities.

At any time users can use the <- Back button at the bottom of the menu to return to the previous page.

Quick Access
The Measuring tool measures distances as well as calculates areas and slopes.

1. Select Measure and begin by placing the first point, continue along the path being measured until you reach the end.
2. Then select the “Stop” button at the bottom of the running point data window.
3. A window will appear with the line and/or area data displayed.
The Printer tool can print to a device as well as a pdf document.

1. Select Print from the Tools menu.
2. Choose the printer output device or Save it as a PDF.
3. If the user is printing to a device select Print at the bottom of the window. If the user is printing to PDF select Save at the bottom of the window.
Updated on February 8, 2022

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